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   Department of Geography,
  Geology, & Anthropology

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  Indiana State University
  Terre Haute, IN 47809

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Conference Presentations and Published Abstracts
(sole presenter, unless specified)

2022        2019        2018    

2017        2016       2015         2014  

2013        2012       2011         2010     

2009        2008        2007         2006

Before 2006: (available upon request)   



  • Weng, Q. Carbon emissions and sinks: Geospatial approaches to urban- and nature-based solutions, NSFC-PolyU Forum on Smart and Healthy Cities with Carbon Neutrality, Hong Kong, August 29, 2022.


  • 2019. Weng, Q. Essential urban variables from satellite observations: an introduction, AAG Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 3-7, 2019.
  • 2019. Zheng, Y. and Q. Weng. Modeling the effect of climate change on building energy demand in Los Angeles County using a GIS-based high spatial- and temporal- resolution approach, AAG Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 3-7, 2019.
  • 2019. Li, H. and Q. Weng. Urban dynamics change detection using time series of Landsat data from 1998 to 2017, AAG Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 3-7, 2019.
  • 2019. Zheng, Q. and Q. Weng. Developing a new cross-sensor calibration model for DMSP-OLS and Suomi-NPP VIIRS night-light imageries, AAG Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 3-7, 2019.

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  • 2018. Weng, Q. Satellite mapping of impervious surface dynamics in the Pearl River Delta, China: Temporal frequency consideration, from 2000 to 2015, AAG Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 10-14, 2018.
  • 2018. Zheng, Y. and Q. Weng. Modeling the effect of global warming on building energy demand in the City of Los Angeles using a high spatial resolution GIS-based approach, AAG Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 10-14, 2018.
  • 2018. Fu, P. and Q. Weng. Annual temperature cycle variability in urban areas over the continental United States revealed by MODIS imagery, AAG Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 10-14, 2018.
  • 2018. Li, H. and Q. Weng. Urban annual dynamic in Qingzhou, China from multi-date Landsat images in 2007-2016, AAG Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 10-14, 2018.

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  • 2017. Weng, Q. Mapping monthly impervious surface dynamics by fusing Landsat and MODIS time series in the Pearl River Delta, China, from 2000 to 2015, AAG Annual Conference, Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017.
  • 2017. Zheng, Y. and Q. Weng. Modeling the climate change impact on building energy demanding using a geospatial modeling method at high resolution of spatiotemporal scales in the city of Los Angeles, AAG Annual Conference, Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017.
  • 2017. Fu, P. and Q. Weng. Exploring variability of the annual temperature cycle over the conterminous United States (CONUS) with MODIS imagery from 2003-2015, AAG Annual Conference, Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017.
  • 2017. Xie, Y. and Q. Weng. Spatiotemporally enhancing time-series DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery for assessing large-scale urban dynamics, AAG Annual Conference, Boston, MA, April 5-9, 2017.
  • 2017. Hung Q. Ha and Q. Weng. Impervious surface mapping for the extended Hanoi area, Vietnam from time series analysis of Landsat data (1988 - 2016), and their potential use in delineation of urban flood and monitoring, AAG Annual Conference, Boston, MA, April 5-9.

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  • 2016. Xie, Y. and Q. Weng. Updating urban areas from nighttime light data by using object-based thresholding method, 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, China, July 10-15, 2016.
  • 2016. Xie, Y. and Q. Weng. Detecting urban-scale dynamics of electricity consumption at Chinese cities using time-series DMSP-OLS nighttime light imageries, 4th International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, Guangzhou, China, July 4-7, 2016.
  • 2016. Zheng, Y. and Q. Weng. Evaluation of the correlation between remotely sensing-based and GIS-based anthropogenic heat discharge in Los Angeles County, USA, 4th International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, Guangzhou, China, July 4-7, 2016.
  • 2016. Fu, P. and Q. Weng. Consistent land surface temperature data generation from irregularly spaced Landsat imagery, ASPRS 2016 Annual Conference: IGTF 2016, Fort Worth, Texas, April 11-15, 2016.
  • 2016. Weng, Q. Time dimension of satellite derived LST data: a revisit, AAG Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 29-April 2, 2016.
  • 2016. Zhang, L. and Q. Weng. Annual dynamics of impervious surface in the Pearl River Delta, China, from 1988 to 2013, using time series Landsat imagery, AAG Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 29-April 2, 2016.
  • 2016. Fu, P. and Q. Weng. Urbanization induced land cover change and its impact on land surface temperature: a time series approach, AAG Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 29-April 2, 2016.

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  • 2015. Weng, Q. and P. Fu. Modeling annual parameters of clear-sky land surface temperature variations and evaluating the impact of cloud cover using time series of Landsat TIR data, AAG Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 21-25.
  • 2015. Fu, P. and Q. Weng. Urbanization induced land cover change and its impact on land surface temperature: a time series approach, AAG Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 21-25.
  • 2015. Yuan, T., Weng, Q., and Y. Xie. Estimation of economic activities across US counties using remotely sensed nighttime imagery, AAG Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 21-25.
  • 2015. Zheng, Y. and Q. Weng. A hybrid approach for three dimensional building modeling in Indianapolis from LiDAR data, AAG Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 21-25, 2015.
  • 2015. Jiang, Y. and Q. Weng. Estimating tree frontal area in urban areas using Terrestrial LiDAR data, AAG Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 21-25, 2015.
  • 2015. Zhang, L. and Q. Weng. Annual dynamics of impervious surface in the Pearl River Delta, China, from 1988 to 2013, using time series Landsat data, AAG Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 21-25, 2015.
  • 2015. Xie, Y. and Q. Weng. Evaluating the effect of urbanization on urban energy consumption for Chinese cities from time-series nighttime light imagery, AAG Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 21-25, 2015.

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  • Weng, Q. 2014. Maximizing the use of satellite thermal infrared data for advancing land surface temperature analysis. ASPRS Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 23-28, 2014.  
  • Fu, P. and Q. Weng. 2014. Multi-temporal dynamics of land surface temperature. ASPRS Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 23-28, 2014.  
  • Xie, Y. and Q. Weng. 2014. Mapping urban areas by using NPP/VIIRS imagery. ASPRS Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 23-28, 2014.  
  • Jiang, Y. and Q. Weng. 2014. Downscaling of GOES land surface temperature for heat wave health risk assessment. ASPRS Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 23-28, 2014.
  • Zheng, Y. and Q. Weng. 2014. Assessing solar potential of commercial and residential building in Indianapolis using LiDAR and GIS modeling, ASPRS Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 23-28, 2014.  

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  • 2013. Gaps and needs in global urban remote sensing, AAG Annual Conference, Los Angeles, California, April 9-13, 2013.
  • 2013. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Environmental factors and risk areas of West Nile Virus in the southern California, 2007-09, AAG Annual Conference, Los Angeles, California, April 9-13, 2013.
  • 2013. Zheng, Y. and Q. Weng. Classification of tree species in Indianapolis using LiDAR and high-resolution IKONOS data, AAG Annual Conference, Los Angeles, California, April 9-13, 2013.
  • 2013. Jiang, Y. and Weng, Q. Assessing the impact of urbanization on land surface temperature and moisture, ASPRS Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 24-28, 2013.  
  • 2013. Fu, P. and Weng, Q. Modeling annual parameters of land surface temperature variations and evaluating the impact of cloud cover using time series of Landsat TIR data, ASPRS Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 24-28, 2013.  
  • 2013. Zheng, Y. and Weng, Q. Classification of tree species in Indianapolis using LiDAR and high-resolution IKONOS data, ASPRS Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 24-28, 2013.
  • 2013. Liu, H. and Weng, Q. Land surface temperature simulation in an urban environment, ASPRS Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 24-28, 2013.

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  • 2012. Weng, Q. Extraction and analysis of remotely sensed urban heat islands using data mining techniques. ASPRS Annual Conference, Sacramento, California, March 19-23, 2012.
  • 2012. Jiang, Y. and Weng, Q. Estimating land surface temperature using a thermal sharpening technique, ASPRS Annual Conference, Sacramento, California, March 19-23, 2012.
  • 2012. Liang, B. and Weng, Q. Measuring the urban landscape of indianapolis, usa by using spatial metrics, ASPRS Annual Conference, Sacramento, California, March 19-23, 2012.
  • 2012. Liang, B. and Q. Weng. Comparing urban landscape of Indianapolis, USA, and Guangzhou, China using landscape metrics, AAG Annual Conference, New York City, February 24-28, 2012.

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  • 2011. Weng, Q. Urban spectral diversity and integrity. AAG Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 13, 2011.
  • 2011. Wilson, C.O. and Q. Weng. Modeling the future impacts of urban land use change on surface water quality within Des Plaines River Watershed, Chicago MSA, Illinois. AAG Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 12-16, 2011.
  • 2011. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Landscapes metrics for analyzing urbanization-induced land use and land cover changes, AAG Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 12-16, 2011.
  • 2011. Liang, B. and Q. Weng. Characterizing urban landscape by using fractal-based texture information. AAG Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 12-16, 2011.
  • 2011. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Examining spatial-temporal effects of urban environmental variables on the dissemination of West Nile virus: a case study of Los Angeles, California, USA. ASPRS Annual Conference, Milwaukie, Wisconsin, May 1-5.
  • 2011. Wilson, C.O. and Q. Weng. Simulating the future impacts of urban land use/land cover change on surface water quality within the Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area, Illinois, ASPRS Annual Conference, Milwaukie, Wisconsin, May 1-5.

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  • 2010. Weng, Q., Liu, H., Hu, X. and D.A. Quattrochi. Urban environmental characteristics and the outbreak of West Nile Virus: a preliminary study. AAG Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 14-18, 2010.
  • 2010. Hu, X. and Q. Weng. Estimating impervious surfaces from medium spatial resolution imagery using the Self-Organizing Map and Multi-Layer Perceptron neural networks. AAG Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 14-18, 2010.
  • 2010. Wilson C.O. and Q. Weng. Assessing the contribution of snowmelt runoff to surface water quality and its relation to urban land cover change in the Des plains River watershed, Greater Chicago Area, Illinois. AAG Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 14-18, 2010.
  • 2010. Liang, B., and Q. Weng. Accessing urban environmental quality change of Indianapolis, Indiana using remote sensing and GIS techniques. AAG Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 14-18, 2010.
  • 2010. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Human West Nile virus in northern Virginia, USA, in relation to incidence in birds and variations in urban environment. ASPRS Annual Conference, San Diego, California, April 26-30.
  • 2010. Wilson, C.O. and Q. Weng. Assessing the contribution of snowmelt runoff to surface water quality and its relation to urban land cover change in the Des plains River watershed, Greater Chicago Area, Illinois. ASPRS Annual Conference, San Diego, California, April 26-30.
  • 2010. Hu, X. and Q. Weng. Estimating impervious surfaces from medium spatial resolution imagery: A comparison between fuzzy classification and LSMA. ASPRS Annual Conference, San Diego, California, April 26-30.
  • 2010. Liang, B., and Q. Weng. Landsat ETM+ image classification by using fractal-based textural information. ASPRS Annual Conference, San Diego, California, April 26-30.
  • 2010. Liu, H., Q. Weng and D. Gaines. A study of West Nile Virus infections in birds and humans in northern Virginia, USA. 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing, June 18-20.
  • 2010. Liang, B., and Q. Weng. Accessing urban environmental quality change of Indianapolis, Indiana by the remote sensing and GIS integration. 5th Annual Northwest Pennsylvania GIS Conference, Clarion, PA, Oct 14-15.

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  • 2009. Recent advances in remote sensing of urban heat islands, 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation and Global Change, Chengdu, China, May 24-29.

  • 2009. Remote sensing of impervious surfaces in the urban areas: which algorithm should be applied, 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Shanghai, China, May 20-22.

  • 2009. Modeling urban heat islands and their relationship with impervious surface and vegetation abundance by using Terra's ASTER images. AAG Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 22-27.

  • 2009. Hu, X. and Q. Weng. Impervious surface extraction from IKONOS imagery using an object-based approach. AAG Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 22-27.

  • 2009. Liu, H., and Q. Weng. Trend Analysis of West Nile Virus Dissemination in California, U.S.A. AAG Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 22-27.

  • 2009. Liu, H., Weng, Q. and D. Gaines. Effects of West Nile Virus infection in birds and the environmental and socioeconomic variables in human disease incidence of West Nile Virus in northern Virginia, USA. ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, March 8-13.

  • 2009. Wilson, C.O. and Q. Weng. Predicting surface water quality and its relation with urban land cover change in the Lake Calumet area, greater Chicago. ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, March 8-13.

  • 2009. Rajasekar, U. and Q. Weng. Diachronous analysis of urban surface temperatures: an urban heat island perspective. ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, March 8-13.

  • 2009. Hu, X. and Q. Weng. An object-based approach for classification of impervious surfaces from high spatial resolution imagery. ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, March 8-13.

  • 2008. Modeling urban heat islands and their relationship with impervious surface and vegetation abundance by using Landsat images. 17th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium, Denver, Colorado, November 18-20, 2008.

  • 2008. Remote sensing data requirements for estimating and mapping urban impervious surfaces. The XXI Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Beijing, China, July 3-11.

  • 2008. Urban remote sensing: practice, problem, and prospect. ASPRS Western Great Lakes and Eastern Great Lakes Regions Joint Summer Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 12-14.

  • 2008. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Multi-temporal analysis of the relationships between WNV dissemination and environmental conditions in Indianapolis, IN. ASPRS Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon, April 28 - May 2.

  • 2008. Hu, X. and Q. Weng. Estimation of impervious surface of Beijing, China with spectral normalized images using LSMA and ANN. ASPRS Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon, April 28 - May 2.

  • 2008. Liang, B. and Q. Weng. Fractal characteristics of the land use and land cover changes in Indianapolis, USA. ASPRS Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon, April 28 - May 2.

  • 2008. Rajasekar, U. and Q. Weng. Space and time analysis of urban heat island using Landsat images. ASPRS Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon, April 28 - May 2.

  • 2008. Urbanization and climate change: a case study of Guangzhou, China. AAG Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April 15-19.

  • 2008. Weng, Q. and X. Hu. Use of medium spatial resolution satellite imagery for estimating and mapping urban impervious surfaces: Which method is better, LSMA or ANN? AAG Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April 15-19.

  • 2008. Liang, B. and Q. Weng. Fractal characteristics of the land use and land cover changes in Indianapolis, USA. AAG Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April 15-19.

  • 2008. Wilson, C.O. and Q. Weng. Urbanization and its implications for water quality and runoff in the Calumet river watershed, greater Chicago area, Illinois. AAG Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April 15-19.

  • 2007. Estimating and mapping urban impervious surfaces: reflection on spectral, spatial, and temporal resolutions. 2007 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 10-14.

  • 2007. Rajasekar, U. and Q. Weng. Space-time analysis of urban heat islands using MODIS data. ASPRS Annual Convention, Tampa, Florida, May 7-11.

  • 2007. Hu, X. and Q. Weng. Extracting impervious surface using spectral mixture analysis with multi-temporal ASTER images. ASPRS Annual Convention, Tampa, Florida, May 7-11.

  • 2007. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Influence of land surface temperature and landscape pattern on the West Nile Virus propagation in Chicago. ASPRS Annual Convention, Tampa, Florida, May 7-11.

  • 2007. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Scaling-up effect on examination of seasonal variations in the relationship between landscape pattern and land surface temperature in Indianapolis, U.S.A. AAG Annual Conference, San Francisco, March 17-21.

  • 2007. Spatial variations of urban land surface temperatures. Joint Conference of 4th International Symposium Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas and 6th International Symposium Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, Paris, France, April 11-13.

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  • 2006. Weng, Q. and U. Rajasekar. Spatial and temporal dynamics of land surface temperatures and urban heat islands in metropolitan Indianapolis using MODIS data. 2006 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 11-15.

  • 2006. An analysis of seasonal variability of satellite detected land surface temperatures and urban heat islands. 36th COSPAR (Committee on Space Science, International Council for Science) Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, July 16-23.

  • 2006. An evaluation of spatial interpolation accuracy of elevation data. 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Vienna, Austria, July 10-12.

  • 2006. Changes in urban landscape composition in Indianapolis, 1991-2000: An analysis with the V-I-S model and spectral mixture analysis. ASPRS Annual Convention, Reno, Nevada, May 1-5.

  • 2006. Hu, X. and Q. Weng. Extracting impervious surface from medium spatial resolution imagery using spectral mixture analysis and artificial neural networks. ASPRS Annual Convention, Reno, Nevada, May 1-5.

  • 2006. Liu, H. and Q. Weng. Seasonal urban thermal patterns based on land surface temperatures measured from ASTER imagery. ASPRS Annual Convention, Reno, Nevada, May 1-5.

  • 2006. Sub-pixel analysis of the urban landscape dynamics in Indianapolis. AAG Annual Convention, Chicago, March 7-11.

  • 2006. Li, G. and Q. Weng. Satellite Estimation of Population Density Using Landsat ETM+ Image. AAG Annual Convention, Chicago, March 7-11.

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